Systems Architecture
Your website will result in more business than your showroom, reception desk, and in most cases your entire commercial lease. When you spend thousands on your rent, consider the appearance of your online spaces and ask yourself what kind of web hosting is right for you.
Robust and rapid website application deployment
We use cloud computing for servers and provision current-gen machine images with Linux-backed operating systems.
Don't forget about the speed of your server! Low-cost/Cheap shared hosting often provides insufficient resources for your website to run optimally.
Depending on your web application size, we can provide you with space on a shared server with a WordPress Toolkit and a Plesk control panel, or we can craft the ultimate cloud formation script for a complex network of servers to power your website applications.

We understand the security threat environment.
We subscribe to the latest malware definitions from industry leaders to harden public-facing resources.
When configuring your network, we make sure all the resources you need are conveniently available to you while denying others access. We use VPNs, IP-based access control lists, and secure subnets to make everything work the way it should.

Privacy and Security Backed Rule-sets and Definitions - Always up to date
Experienced in both Nginx and Nginx Unit
Our web server configurations use smarter location matching and caching techniques to distribute resources and deliver responses efficiently.
Secure end-points and smarter upstream resource allocation make web applications load very quickly. Best of all, this is managed for you by a team of experienced professionals.

You can find hosting online for a few dollars a month, but that kind of hosting is not appropriate for real business. To help you compare apples to apples, here is a side by side comparison with GoDaddy (source), WP Engine (source)
Who | Choice Hosting | GoDaddy "Launch" | WP Engine "Startup" |
Rate | 39 CAD | 38 CAD | 31 CAD |
Transfer Speed | ULTRA FAST (8GB RAM, 4CPU) | MEDIUM (2 GB RAM, 1 CPU) | SLOW (Not Disclosed) |
Transfer Limits | NONE | NONE | 50 GB |
DNSSEC | Inlcuded | Not Included | Not Included |
Managed Support | Yes | No | Yes |
We provide specialist support for full JAMStack deployments, WordPress, Nginx (ultra-fast site delivery), Static Site Generation, and SEO Best Practices. To learn more about these value-add services, please contact us.
All hosting plans are provided on a month-to-month pricing model and you can cancel at any time with 30-days notice.
DNS Support is only provided if you use our Nameservers. If you don't understand what this means, please ask!
Hosting is often misunderstood so please take the time to understand what Domain Names are, how web hosting works, and why Choice Hosting is the most value for your dollar.